
Easter Eggtravaganza

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Our Easter bunnies were hard at work in the foodbank. Thanks to one of our kind customers every family received a lovely handmade Easter chick on Good Friday 2022.

It’s Ribbon Cutting Time!

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Founder Rachel Miller thanks Van Henry from Castle Cavendish and Ward Councillor for Nottingham City Council, Shuguftah Quddoos, for their support of Mesopotamia.

Van acknowledges the importance of personal and domestic hygiene. He represents Castle Cavendish who have funded the machines that will allow people in need, including homeless people and rough sleepers, to wash their clothing, bedding etc for free.

Shuguftah spoke of how this laundry not only gives people in need dignity but also and a sense of belonging to a community with the overall support offered at Mesopotamia.

Rachel invited Shuguftah to cut the ribbon with her words, “Long may she (the machines!) wash”.

A laundry for use by local people in need

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Mesopotamia would like to thank Castle Cavendish for their funding support enabling purchase of a washing machine and dryer. To find out how this new service is benefiting people in need watch the short (under 3 minutes) video below.

Christmas Clear Out?

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Now that the schools have broken up for the summer and the weather is a little unpredictable, your thoughts may have turned to clearing out cupboards, sheds or even the loft.

As well as all the usual items we are happy to take off your hands (clothing, toys, unwanted gifts) we would also be more than happy for your old Christmas decorations. Rachel Miller, founder of Mesopotamia, explained, “Christmas is one of the busiest times for us and, in honesty, one of the costliest. That combined with the shop closing over the festive period means that money is even tighter for us at this time.” So if you are considering buying new decorations this year, please donate your old ones to us. 100% of our profits go into supporting people in need.

Our shop opening times are Monday – Friday 9.30 until 4.30 pm and Saturday 10.00 until 3.00 pm.

Supporting Notts Healthcare

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Nottinghamshire Healthcare have tweeted their Property and Space Utilisation Team won their Environmental Impact Award by saving the Trust over £9k by reusing consumables. To do this they partnered with Mesopotamia to donate over 200 items the Trust could no longer use to help provide relief worldwide.

What a great result for their team and our charity and the people supported by these items.

If you use Twitter visit #NottsOSCARS for more information.

Donations Welcome Again!

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I’m happy to say that we are now able to take your kind donations, having managed to sell a lot of our stock. Thank you, in particular, if you have held onto items. Please note though that if you have something bulky, it’s best to check with us that we have room.

Donations update

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Thank you to everyone who has donated stock for us to sell in our charity shop. Your support is really appreciated. The donations have been so generous that we are absolutely full. Please keep any donations until after 18 May but check the blog for a further update of when we can start accepting donations again.

And please spread the word – the quicker people buy from us, the quicker we can restock. If you use Twitter follow us @MeopotamiaCha5. We regularly share some of our more interesting items for sale such as the wedding dress below.

Donations Welcome

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We opened last Monday, in line with Government regulations, and have been delighted to be busy in our shop again. As you know, monies raised go towards delivering food parcels to local people in need.

Thank you for holding onto your donations whilst we have been closed – we have had many enquiries. I’m pleased to let you know that we are now accepting donations in our shop. No appointment needed. Our opening times are displayed on our contact us page.

If you have larger items that you are unable to deliver, we can start booking appointments and collect from the end of next week. You can use our contact us form or phone and leave a message. Please let us know what you would like to donate and your address.

How we are supporting the hungry

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We wanted to thank VISAV Ltd for their commitment to funding us on a monthly basis and demonstrate the amount of food that we can purchase from FareShare. From this stock, we deliver healthy and fulfilling food boxes, each Saturday, to local people in need. The five images above on the slider show the amount of food their donation achieves.

But we could help even more people with your support.

How you can help:

  • If you would like to donate financially please visit our Donate page. Even a monthly standing order of £3 can make a difference.
  • If you would like to donate goods that we can sell in our shop or donate to people in need, please follow our blog and we will soon publish details of when we can resume collecting/receiving your pre loved items.
  • If you would like to volunteer to work in our shop and/or deliver food parcels please contact us.

Vantastic News!

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Regular readers will know of our recent transport issues. We haven’t been able to collect donations since our van was involved in an accident in November and our volunteers have had to use their own transport to deliver urgent food parcels.

I am delighted to update you that we now have a van! It’s a bit larger than our previous van and meets all our needs. So a huge shout out to Castle Cavendish for their generous contribution towards the van because without it, the insurance pay out was insufficient to replace our desperately needed transport.

So look out for us in the Basford area and give our driver a wave.